You are here: Stock Items > Stock Items in Idealpos > Stock Code Search

Stock Code Search

The Stock Item screen displays all of the products stored within the Idealpos Database.

There are various methods that can be used to search for Stock Items and/or filter the Stock Items records which are displayed:



Stock Item Search

Located at the top of the Stock Item screen is the Stock Item Search function.



The Stock Item screen will dynamically search for stock items as you are typing the search values.

For example, if Code Search is selected, you can start typing the stock code you are searching for, and the screen will refine the search as you type.


See below the items shown by entering the number 12 in the Code Search field.

Any item starting with the number 12 will be displayed:



WildCard Search

A wild card search works by entering a * at the start of the search value.

This will change the search results to show any item containing the search value rather than any item starting with the search value.


It is possible to set Idealpos to always use the Wild Card search method when searching by Description.

To enable this option, go to Setup > Yes/No options > Miscellaneous and tick ‘WildCard Description searching by default’.



Changing the search type

You can search for Stock Items by Code, Description, Alternate/Scan Code, Supplier’s Stock Code, Description 2, Department, Price Changes, Attribute, Tag or Description 3.


To change the search type, click on the current search type text that is displayed on the left-hand side of the search field to select a search type from a drop-down list:



Price Changes work by enabling you to view all Stock Items that have had a price change since a specific date.


The search field will change to allow you to select from:


Use the date field to select when you want to view the price changes from.



The Stock Item search screen will change to show only those items relevant.



Stock Item Grid - Field Search functionality

This feature allows you to quickly find a stock item by filtering each stock item detail you know about the item.

Now you can easily find and edit a stock item anywhere in your list.


Underneath the column heading containing the stock item field is an entry field.



In the column you choose, start typing anything to narrow down the item you are searching for.

Any column that you have entered data in to will be highlighted as yellow.



In numerical fields only, it is possible to use Less/Greater than (<>) symbols to show a range above or below the entered value.

Cost, Price, Points and Stock Level fields are all such data that can be used in this manner.




It is possible to enter search criteria on terminals which have access to the Stock Items screen but don't have a physical keyboard attached.

Simply double-click or double-tap into any search field at the top of the Stock Items grid to display an on-screen keyboard.

Enter the required search using the on-screen keyboard, then press the "Enter" button to populate the entered value into the field which was double-clicked.



Top N records functionality

The Stock Items screen will limit the number of records displayed to the Top 50 records (by default).

The desired number of Top N records can be chosen by selecting the dropdown arrow on the top-left corner of the Stock Items screen and selecting from the following options:




The Top N records option that is selected is a per-terminal setting and will be retained until another Top N records is selected.

This means that if one user changes the Top N records setting on a terminal, it will apply to all users that use the terminal.

By selecting a smaller number of Stock Items to display, the amount of time it takes to open the Stock Items screen will be reduced.


When the Top N records function is actively limiting the number of records that are displayed, a note will appear and will specify the number of records currently being shown (e.g. Top 50 records, Top 1000 records).



If all records are being displayed, the 'Top' text will be omitted and the total number of records will be listed, as shown below: